What is Depth of Discharge for Solar Batteries?

Understanding what depth of discharge (DoD) means for your solar batteries is essential for anyone looking to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of their renewable energy system. DoD refers to how much a battery has...

What is State of Charge for Solar Batteries?

The State of Charge is a battery metric you may have heard of, but what does it mean? This measurement helps you understand the battery charge available, but it can be impacted by several...

What is a Microgrid?

Electrical grid infrastructure in the United States is under unprecedented strain. New technologies, extreme weather, and societal changes are driving the demand for power to new heights. The Centre for Strategic and International Studies identifies a...

How To Connect a Generator To Your House Without a Transfer Switch

There are many benefits to connecting a generator to your home, but in doing so, it’s important to ensure that you have safety and compliance with laws and regulations in mind.  Transfer switches are an...

What Size Solar Generator Do You Need to Run a Whole House?

Solar generators are all-in-one solutions for harnessing and storing off-grid power.  Gone are the days when you needed to run gas or diesel generators all day, creating excessive noise and pollution. Solar generators are the...

Understanding the Time of Use Rate

Learning to take advantage of time-of-use (TOU) rates and adjusting your energy consumption patterns is a great way to save money on your electrical bills. However, don’t just switch to a TOU structure without...

How Do Electricity Demand Charges Work?

Electricity bills can be confusing with all the charges involved. The demand charge is a new fee type you may see on your residential energy bill. While seeing a change to the way you’re...

What Is Peak Demand?

Has opening your electricity bill ever made your jaw drop? You’re not alone. The cost of electricity has consistently been on the rise in recent years. And as energy prices continue to fluctuate and...

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