What Is Cowboy Camping?

If the call to adventure grows stronger in you each day, you may be the perfect candidate for this unique camping style. Cowboy camping is unlike modern camping in nearly every way. This simplified version challenges the typical comforts of camping and is perfect for those looking for a way to reconnect with their wild side. 

If this sounds like an expedition for you, you’re in luck. Below, we will dive into the many interesting facts about cowboy camping as well as some tips to help you on your way to camping like a cowboy. 

Let’s get started. 

So, What Is Cowboy Camping?

Modern-day camping may already seem like quite an adventure to some, but it pales in comparison to cowboy camping. Cowboy camping is comparable to traditional camping in all ways except it’s missing one crucial element – a tent. 

That’s right – cowboy camping requires you to sleep out in the open without the shelter of a tent. Traditional cowboys were constantly on the move and couldn’t be bogged down by carrying around a shelter with them wherever they went. To keep things simple, they simply brought along a sleeping bag of sorts and slept under the stars. 

While this unique camping style may seem like something that is best left to history, some people love the idea and enjoy taking part in this antiquated practice. Not quite convinced if this is the adventure for you? Keep reading to see why we think you should give it a shot.

Why Should You Try Cowboy Camping?

Sure, cowboy camping is different from traditional camping and may even be uncomfortable for some people who are squeamish in a wilderness setting. But this simplistic style of camping has some great benefits that are worth talking about.

1. Reconnect with Nature

There’s quite literally no better way to reconnect with nature than to go cowboy camping. Sleeping under the stars with no walls around you is the perfect opportunity to take in your surroundings, listen to the leaves rustling, and fully immerse yourself in the wilderness. 

2. Enjoy Freedom and Flexibility in Your Travels

Cowboy camping offers a specific level of freedom and flexibility that is not readily available when camping in a modern-day campsite. Cowboy camping typically takes place in a true wilderness setting that is separate from a crowded campsite. You have the freedom to choose where you would like to sleep for the evening and can change your decision as many times as you like. You are in charge of this journey and get to make it all your own.

3. Stargaze Unlike You Never Have Before

Without a tent to block your view, you will have the opportunity to view the stars in the most beautiful way. Search for a spot that is far enough away from town so as to not be polluted by light, and you will get to enjoy a stargazing experience unlike you ever have before.

4. Spontaneity 

Traditional camping requires a specific level of planning that may impede your ability and urge to be spontaneous in your travels. Cowboy camping, on the other hand, offers a unique level of spontaneity in that you get to explore the wilderness and select your camping spot rather than being told where to set up camp at a designated camping site. With this camping adventure, you can lean into your spontaneity and camp like the cowboys did.

What Do You Need for Cowboy Camping?

If cowboy camping sounds like an adventure for you, you are one step closer to setting out on an expedition of a lifetime. To help you get prepped and ready, read the list of must-haves below and get to packing. 

Sleeping Gear

  • You will not need a tent for your adventure, but you will need a spot to sleep at night. Sleeping bags are the perfect option for cowboy camping as they are easy to transport and can be set up quickly. Invest in a high-quality sleeping bag that is well-insulated so that you do not have any unnecessary issues regulating your temperature.

Clothing Options

  • Layers will make the world of a difference on a cowboy camping trip. Weather conditions can change at the drop of a hat, so you should always make sure you are prepared with the proper clothing items to feel your best. Jackets, blankets, and other clothing layers should be at the top of your packing list and can keep you warm and dry for the extent of your trip.

Health and Safety Materials 

  • Accidents happen when you least expect them, so do your best to be prepared for whatever instances may arise. Bring along a first aid kit and any medication you think may be necessary for your trip. Help may be too far away to assist you in a pinch, so packing a well-prepped emergency kit will help to mitigate any larger issues while you are off the grid.

Food and Water

  • Staying nourished on your trip is very important and should be part of your planning process before you go. Packing plenty of food and water for the length of your trip is the best way to ensure all members of your party feel their best and are well-fed to withstand the outdoor conditions. Bring along a cooler like the EcoFlow Glacier Portable Refrigerator to keep your items at a safe temperature and ready to consume.

Emergency Plan

  • A backup plan, no matter your chosen form of travel, is a must. Plan a safe space to get to in case of an emergency, and make sure everyone in your party knows what they need to do if it were to come down to it.

    Also, bring along the EcoFlow RIVER 2 Max or EcoFlow RIVER 2 Pro in case you need access to power. You may not need to use it, but you’ll be very grateful to have it with you in case of an emergency.

How To Pick the Perfect Spot for Cowboy Camping

When you’re looking for your camping spot, there are a couple of key conditions you should look for. First and foremost, do your best to find land that is flat and elevated from the surrounding area. This will help ensure that you are not in a flood zone and that you will stay dry throughout the night, even if it were to rain. 

You can also take this time to look for spots with natural shelters, such as rocks, bushes, or trees. These natural elements are great to have nearby and can work as shelters in a pinch.

4 Cowboy Camping Tips

If you’re ready to take on this adventure, here are some simple tips to ensure you set out with your best foot forward.

1. Check the Weather Before You Go

There is nothing worse than camping in horrible weather conditions without the safety and comfort of a tent to retreat to. If you are sleeping under the stars, there really may be no way to escape nasty weather, which can make for a very uncomfortable and even dangerous evening. 

Before you set out on your trip, make sure to check the weather in the days leading up to your departure. Have a backup plan in case conditions are not looking too favourable, and decide whether it is in our best interest to be spending that much time in whatever the conditions may be. 

If you are dead set on going on this adventure, even with some questionable impending weather conditions, consider swapping out your chosen location for somewhere a bit closer to home. Though it may seem silly, cowboy camping in your own backyard can be a great first-time experience and will help to ensure you have the safety of a shelter just a few steps away.

2. Invest in a High-Quality Tarp

Setting up a tarp under your sleeping bag is essential to a successful camping trip. Before you go, make sure to do your research and find a tarp that is not only large enough but also sturdy enough to set up a comfortable campsite when you plan to go. 

A high-quality tarp can help keep your sleeping arrangements dry and separate from dirt and bugs and make it easy to pack up in a hurry if necessary. It may not be the most enjoyable item to carry around when searching for a camping site, but we assure you that it will make a world of difference once you find the perfect spot.

3. Bring Plenty of Layers

Sleeping outdoors means that you have very little protection from the elements. Whether you are camping in the hot or cold season will ultimately impact what you need to bring, but a good rule of thumb is to always pack plenty of layers. 

There is nothing worse than being too cold or too hot in the clothes on your back, with no additional options to make it better. Bringing along plenty of layers will ensure you can add or take them away if the conditions call for it. 

4. Bring a Portable Power Station

At the end of the day, living in modern times does grant us many benefits that the cowboys did not have. Safety is important, and travelling without access to any power source may not be in your best interest, especially if you plan to camp well off the grid. 

Bringing a portable power station along is in no way cheating the ways of cowboy camping – it is simply a safety precaution and can help to make the experience much more enjoyable. The EcoFlow Portable Power Stations and EcoFlow RIVER 2 Series Portable Power Stations are great, compact options that are easy to bring along with you wherever you may choose to set up camp. 

These portable power stations are there for you in case you need them. They can help power up navigation devices, charge your phones, or even supply power to lights or fans if you choose to use them. Proceed at your own discretion and follow the rules of cowboy camping as closely as you wish, but know that you have access to a power source if it is needed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Tents Did Cowboys Use?

Cowboys didn’t always have a traditional tent set up when travelling. Oftentimes, cowboys would sleep without a tent altogether, just setting up camp underneath the stars. Instead of sleeping in a typical tent, cowboys would opt for sleeping in something very similar to what we know as a modern-day sleeping bag for some protection against the elements. 

Final Thoughts

Cowboy camping is an adventure all on its own and may not be for everyone. If it sounds like something you would be interested in trying, you are in for a treat. You’ll get to experience a unique reconnection with nature that goes a step further from traditional camping. 

Does this sound like the perfect expedition for you? Don’t forget to bring along the EcoFlow RIVER 2 Series Portable Power Stations to stay safe and connected on your journey into the wilderness.

EcoFlow is a portable power and renewable energy solutions company. Since its founding in 2017, EcoFlow has provided peace-of-mind power to customers in over 85 markets through its DELTA and RIVER product lines of portable power stations and eco-friendly accessories.


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