Solar Energy

What Are Transparent Solar Panels?

Transparent solar panels, also called clear photovoltaics or clear PVs, are an exciting new advancement that could revolutionize how we harness renewable energy. Unlike traditional models, these innovative panels allow visible light to pass...

How Do I Run Electricity to My Shed?

Powering your shed helps greatly enhance its functionality, whether you’re using it for hobbies, storage, or a workspace. However, deciding how to supply electricity to it involves considering various options and their associated costs...

How to Calculate Solar Power ROI

The price tag on a new residential solar panel system may give you sticker shock.  The average Canadian home requires an initial investment of about $15,000 or more to supply adequate electricity to meet at...

Everything You Need To Know About Bifacial Solar Panels

In the past decade, solar panel efficiency and energy production potential have increased by about 40% on average. With photovoltaic (PV) modules — like solar panels and shingles — efficiency measures how much electricity can...

Connecting Solar Panels in Series or in Parallel: Which Is Better?

Harnessing the power of the sun to produce electricity is a smart and sustainable way to power your home.  Installing a residential solar panel system can significantly reduce—or eliminate—your electricity bills and ensure your family’s...

Are Solar Air Conditioners Worth It?

When you’re off the grid without access to electricity and the comforts that accompany it, you start to get creative. How can you keep your food cold, charge your personal devices, or stay cool?...

The Complete Guide to Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Systems

The transition from burning fossil fuels like coal and natural gas to generate electricity to renewable energy sources like wind, hydropower, and solar is a global priority. Both on the power grid and industrial level...

What Is the Photovoltaic Effect?

With the shift towards sustainable energy now a global imperative, terms once reserved for textbooks have infiltrated everyday discussions.  One such term is the "photovoltaic effect."  Photovoltaic is often shortened to PV — as in PV...

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