The Ultimate Guide to Solo Camping in Winter

Winter solo camping - it’s the ultimate outdoor adventure. Do you have what it takes to withstand the brutal elements alone? If you’re tempted to explore the opportunity, set yourself up for success with...

How To Use Solar Power To Stay Warm in A Tent During Winter

Camping isn’t limited to the warmer months, but winter camping does require a careful strategy to keep yourself cozy, especially at night in your tent. Camping aficionados have figured out how to camp in...

How to Stay Warm Winter Camping

With the right know-how and preparation, winter camping can be an unforgettable adventure. In colder climates, lush green forests can be transformed into a winter wonderland. Enjoy hiking snow-capped mountains or skiing down hills....

The Ultimate Guide to Winter Kayaking

Though some may scoff at the idea of spending long days out on the water during the peak of the winter season, others may see it as a call to adventure. If you’re one...

Essential Gear for Winter Hunting

Winter hunting requires a different mindset and gear than warm-weather hunting, but with proper planning, you’ll easily handle below-zero temperatures and harsh conditions. The right gear will keep you comfortable and safe on long...

What Is Cowboy Camping?

If the call to adventure grows stronger in you each day, you may be the perfect candidate for this unique camping style. Cowboy camping is unlike modern camping in nearly every way. This simplified...

15 Tips and Tricks for Camping in the Rain

Camping in the rain can be miserable if you do not take the proper steps to prepare. However, with some adequate planning and packing, you may actually enjoy this unique experience.  To ensure you’re equipped...

Camping with Dogs: Essential Tips and Gear for Your Pet

Camping is one of the greatest pastimes, and it is best enjoyed when you can do it with the people—or pets—you love most. While taking your dog along for a camping trip may require...

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