How to Save Money With Off-Peak Hours Electricity

Electricity bills are one of the most expensive monthly recurring costs for homeowners, especially if you’re using high-output appliances during peak hours. On the other hand, using electricity during off-peak hours can lead to substantial savings.

What does this all mean? Below, learn the difference between peak and off-peak hours, find tips to reduce your energy bill, and save money by taking advantage of off-peak electricity hours.

What Is the Difference Between Peak Hours and Off-Peak Hours?

The money you’ll spend on electricity during peak and non-peak hours can drastically differ. One is extremely expensive, while the other can help lower your electricity bill. Learn the difference between these two periods to leverage the benefits of off-peak hours.

Peak Hours

Peak hours are the times of day when electricity demand is at its highest. During these periods, more people are using appliances, lighting, and heating or cooling systems, which drives up the cost of electricity. 

Typically, peak use times occur in the early morning and evening when people are getting ready for work or returning home from school or the office, around 4 – 8 pm. Power companies charge higher rates during these hours to manage the increased demand and maintain grid stability.

If they didn’t adjust the cost of energy rates during peak hours, the electricity grid could become overloaded and cause outages. It also helps them save money by avoiding purchasing more energy for the grid when it’s in high demand and more expensive.

Using some appliances and systems during peak times is unavoidable. Refrigerators, for example, must run constantly to keep food cold and safe. Other appliances, such as oxygen tanks, may also need around-the-clock power. However, other appliances, like dishwashers, washers, and dryers, can be used strategically to avoid the higher peak costs.

Off-Peak Hours

On the other hand, off-peak hours are times when electricity demand is lower. These periods often include late at night, early afternoon, and weekends, between 8 pm – 4 pm. Power companies can offer lower rates because fewer people are at home and actively using electricity during these times. By shifting some energy-intensive activities to off-peak periods, you can utilise these reduced rates to save money on your electricity bill.

Peak and non-peak hours may differ depending on whether it’s a weekday or weekend and the time of year. Contact your electricity provider directly to learn what peak hour schedule they use.

6 Tips to Save Money During Off-Peak Hours

Want to utilise off-peak hours to save money and support a resilient electricity grid? Here are several ways you can use this time and cost schedule to work in your favour.

Working Around Peak Hours

One of the simplest ways to save money on electricity is to adjust your routine to avoid using energy-intensive appliances during peak hours. For example, you can run your dishwasher or washing machine late at night or early in the morning and avoid leaving your AC on during peak hours if you won’t be home. 

By postponing these tasks to off-peak times, you’ll benefit from lower electricity rates and reduce your overall bill. While it can be challenging to make these changes, once you get in the habit, you’ll benefit from the cost savings as long as you can maintain them. 

Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can help you optimise your heating and cooling system for off-peak hours. Set your thermostat to automatically adjust your indoor temperature during peak hours when you’re not home. Then, have it adjust to your preferred temperature during off-peak times. This way, you can maintain comfort while minimising energy usage during expensive peak periods.

One popular strategy is called pre-cooling. Rather than programming your AC to reach your ideal cool temperature during peak hours, set your thermostat to begin cooling to this temperature before peak periods. Then, by the time peak hours roll around while you’re home, your indoor space will already be nice and cool, and your AC unit won’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature.

You can also find programmable appliances that allow you to set a timer to run. Things like laundry units or dishwashers are a great example. That way, you can still load the dishes or the laundry after dinner or before bed, but the appliances won’t start working until off-peak hours when costs are lower.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances consume less electricity than older, less efficient models. Upgrading to energy-efficient options can reduce your overall energy consumption, especially when combined with off-peak hour usage. Look for appliances certified by ENERGY STAR, which indicates their satisfaction with the strict efficiency guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

Don’t know where to begin? Upgrade your dishwasher to a newer model or opt for a gas stove instead of an electric one if you already have a natural gas connection at your home.

Another benefit of efficient appliances is better operation. Your stove will heat up and cool much faster, so dinner won’t take as long. And, the less time you require your stove to be on, the less energy you’ll use, and the less you’ll pay. It all works together seamlessly to save you money.

Rely on Alternative Energy Sources During Peak Hours

Consider using alternative energy sources like EcoFlow Portable Power Stations or EcoFlow Solar Generators during peak hours. Portable power stations (PPS) like the EcoFlow DELTA Pro can store energy drawn from AC outlets during off-peak hours for you to use when rates are higher, allowing you to better control your energy use when you rely on the grid. 

Or, if you’d rather minimise how much you pull energy from the grid altogether, connect a portable power station to an appropriate solar panel to create a solar generator like the EcoFlow DELTA 2 Max + 220W Solar Panel, which can draw power from the sun’s energy anytime it’s out and shining.

Solutions like the EcoFlow DELTA Series Solar Generators provide a renewable and cost-effective power source. You can even connect them to your home circuits with a Smart Home Panel

Check out EcoFlow’s range of PPS and solar generators, which offer various capacities to meet your peak-hours needs. While they can require a significant upfront investment, once you reach the end of the solar payback period, you’ll enjoy free energy generation for years to come.

Charge Your EV With Smart Chargers

Electric vehicle (EV) owners have a unique opportunity to save money by charging their cars during off-peak times using smart chargers with built-in timers. These devices allow you to schedule charging times to coincide with lower electricity rates. Not only will this save you money, but it will also help reduce the strain on the power grid during peak hours.

Turn off the Electricity When You’re Not Home

Another effective way to save on electricity is to ensure that all non-essential appliances and electronics are turned off when you’re not home – whether during peak or off-peak hours. Unplug devices like computers, televisions, and kitchen appliances to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. Smart power strips can simplify this process by controlling multiple devices with a single switch.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Save Money in Peak Hours?

To save money during peak hours, pivot your energy consumption to focus on off-peak hours and rely on alternative energy sources like solar generators. Additionally, try to use timers on things like AC systems, EV chargers, and even appliances to minimise electricity use during the most expensive times.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the difference between peak and off-peak hours and implementing the above tips can significantly reduce your electricity bills. Not only will this help you save money, but it will also contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle and support a healthy and resilient electric grid. 

Consider investing in EcoFlow’s solar generators to optimise your energy usage further by relying on them instead of your home’s electricity during expensive peak hours. Check out EcoFlow’s Solar Generators to learn more and start saving today.

EcoFlow is a portable power and renewable energy solutions company. Since its founding in 2017, EcoFlow has provided peace-of-mind power to customers in over 85 markets through its DELTA and RIVER product lines of portable power stations and eco-friendly accessories.


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