What Is Urban Exploration and How Do I Start?

Urban exploration is a modern hobby that’s risen sharply in popularity over the past few years. It’s piqued the interest of thrill-seekers and explorers but has also generated controversy. 

Below, learn more about the growing trend of urban exploration, how you can be an urban explorer, and tips to stay safe and avoid illegal activity.

What Is Urban Exploration?

Urban exploration involves exploring urban buildings and locations that may be hidden, abandoned, otherwise off-limits, or inaccessible to the general public. It often combines with other hobbies, like roof-topping, spelunking, or photography. Urban explorers usually seek documentation of these uncommon places to share more about historic locations or events.

Essentially, urban exploration involves visiting man-made environments that are inaccessible by traditional means. Places of interest often include abandoned buildings, industrial complexes, underground spaces, tunnels, or rooftops.

Some urban explorers maintain a thoroughly ethical approach, only engaging in these environments respectfully, avoiding illegal activity, and preserving any property they encounter on their adventures. Others take a more nefarious approach, intentionally taking “souvenirs” or skirting permissions wherever possible.

What Is Urbex?

Urbex is another term for urban exploration. It’s a shortened version of the name commonly used by urban explorationists. Urbex can also be shortened even further to “UE.” Using these simplified terms can be a way to signal to others your inclusivity in the community without giving away your activities to those who may not be privy to what this means.

What Is the Definition of the ‘Urbex Code’?

The “Urbex Code” is an unofficial but commonly adopted code of conduct for urban explorers who want to maintain the integrity and respect of the hobby. It is essentially the same as the code used by outdoor explorers: “Take nothing, leave nothing.”

This code emphasizes the importance of respecting the area, never taking anything that does not belong to you (because it would be theft), and never leaving anything that you bring in (as it would disturb the current state of the environment). It also aims to include activities like tagging, graffiti, or otherwise damaging any buildings or locations.

The urbex code is thought to fight against a smaller sect of urban explorers who seek to cause havoc or damage to the areas they explore or take “souvenirs” from locations they visit. 

Some urban explorers also try to include permission and legality as part of this idealized code to avoid the reputation of illegal trespassing often associated with the hobby. While some purposefully avoid seeking permission to enter specific properties, others seek permission whenever possible to show the utmost respect for the areas they wish to explore.

The contents of the Urbex code will differ depending on who you ask. It’s largely subjective but remains a source of guidance for community members.

How to Be an Urban Explorer

Want to start exploring uncommon urban locations? Here’s your get-started guide.

Plan and Research Ahead of Time

Urban exploration requires careful research and planning before any in-person exploration begins. Use online community boards and forums to pinpoint exciting urban locations and get details on how to access them or things to look out for. You should know exactly where you’re going, how to get there, and what you’re looking for once you get there.

Plan to go in the daytime so you’ll have natural light guiding the way, as many places will be dark and don’t have electricity. Lightning will help prevent accidents or injuries in areas inaccessible to others if you need help.

Wear Suitable Clothing

You’ll be exploring places that may not have been used in a long time, so you should plan to cover your body from things you may encounter, like mold, bugs, rusty nails, and drafty air. Wear long pants and a long shirt that covers your ankles and wrists. 

Consider wearing gloves as well to protect your hands. Wear durable sneakers or boots if you need to walk through debris; don’t leave your feet vulnerable to injury. 

Pack Essential Exploration Gear

Your adventures will be better served if you have the right gear. Many urban explorers like bringing their cameras, but don’t forget to charge them. Bring EcoFlow Portable Power Stations

The small, portable models of the EcoFlow RIVER 2 Series Portable Power Stations, like the EcoFlow RIVER 2 Pro, are perfect for all your on-the-go urban adventures. It can charge everything from your camera and phone to lighting equipment. 

Other great additions include everyday road trip essentials, like snacks and drinks, to keep you full of energy wherever your explorations take you. Keep them cold and fresh with the EcoFlow Glacier Portable Refrigerator, which features cooling and freezing zones plus ice-making capabilities

Are you worried about the temperature when exploring during the heat of the summer or frigid winter days? Pack the EcoFlow Wave 2 Portable AC, which can provide additional heating or cooling depending on your needs. It can make any space more comfortable.

Bring a Buddy

We don’t recommend exploring abandoned buildings or locations by yourself. Explore with a buddy you trust so that you always have someone to seek help and help you make smart decisions.

Respect the Locations

Respect is a big deal in the urban exploration community. Always respect the areas you explore, leaving nothing behind and taking nothing with you. It’s the core tenet of the Urbex Code.

Is Urbex Illegal?

Urbex can be illegal, depending on the approach taken. If no effort is made to seek permission to access the location, it may be considered trespassing, which is illegal. You can avoid breaking the law by getting explicit permission to explore the premises you’re interested in, not leaving any litter behind, never taking souvenirs with you, and preserving the area as it is.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Start Doing Urban Exploration?

To start urban exploration, you must first research the areas you wish to explore. Then, you must learn how to access the sites, wear the right clothes, pack the right gear (such as portable power stations or flashlights), bring a buddy, stay safe, and respect the locations.

What Is the First Rule of Urbex?

The first rule of urbex is “Take nothing, leave nothing.” This is the core of the Urbex Code, which aims to respect the locations explored and avoid associations with trespassing or illegal activity like tagging, graffiti, or theft. Not everyone abides by this rule, but there’s an effort to create more respect for the locations within the Urbex community.

Why Is Urban Exploring Illegal?

Urban exploration is not necessarily illegal but commonly involves illicit activities such as breaking and entering, trespassing, or theft. Certain locations are not legally accessible, so when urban explorers ignore these laws, they can face legal consequences. Urban exploration can be legal when limited to places explored with permission as long as no additional crimes occur.

Final Thoughts

Urban exploration is a controversial hobby that has become increasingly popular lately. It involves exploring abandoned, empty, or closed urban structures. While a significant portion of the urban exploration community strives to seek permission and avoid trespassing and theft, others seek to create havoc, take souvenirs, or otherwise leave a mark on the areas they explore, giving the community a somewhat negative reputation. Some urban explorers have even faced legal consequences.

However, urban exploring can still be accomplished legally and respectfully as long as you seek permission to explore the property and follow the Urbex Code. If you’re getting started as an urban explorer, stay safe and always bring backup power like the EcoFlow RAPID Magnetic Power Bank to get yourself out of any hairy situations you could potentially find yourself in. Happy exploring.

EcoFlow is a portable power and renewable energy solutions company. Since its founding in 2017, EcoFlow has provided peace-of-mind power to customers in over 85 markets through its DELTA and RIVER product lines of portable power stations and eco-friendly accessories.


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