What Is Solar Energy & How Is It Used?

Solar energy is a free, renewable source of electricity as long as there is adequate sunlight and you have the right system to capture it. It's “clean,” meaning no greenhouse gas emissions occur when...

4 Types of Solar Panels: Which One Is Best for You?

If you're new to the world of solar power, it can be daunting to take that first step. Massive leaps in innovation have pushed the industry forward, creating more accessible options for consumers than...

What Is a Solar Connector and How To Use It?

Thanks to skyrocketing adoption and improvements in solar technology, installing your own solar power systems is easier than ever. Part of what makes DIY installations simple is the increasing standardization of connectors and components...

How To Build a Residential Solar Carport

Wondering if a residential solar carport is right for you?  These practical, multi-purpose, and inexpensive structures can benefit your home in many ways, From providing your vehicle with a dry, shady place to park to...

Do Solar Panel Installations Damage Your Home’s Roof?

Many concerns may pop up when considering installing solar panels. One fear many homeowners have is whether or not installing a solar array will damage a home’s roof.  Solar panels will not inherently damage your...

What Happens to Solar Power When Batteries Are Full?

Whether living off-grid or as a full-time RV camper, a renewable energy source makes life easier. It's an excellent option for environmentalists, survivalists, and pragmatists who know that having an alternative power source isn’t...

How Much Does a Portable Generator Cost?

A portable generator might seem like something only necessary for people who experience frequent blackouts. A backup power source may not seem essential if you don't regularly suffer power outages. But it absolutely is.  A...

How to Build a DIY Solar-Powered Generator

The demand for solar-powered generators has never been higher. With ongoing climate and energy crises worldwide, there’s never been a better time to switch to solar. Solar adoption is skyrocketing because so many people...

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