How to Prepare for Summer Power Outages

Blackouts can be incredibly stressful, even if you have been through them many times. Losing power robs us of our daily comforts and essentials, including everything from entertainment to refrigerating perishable foods.  Without following the...

How to Use a Portable Generator During a Power Outage

The combination of an aging electricity grid and increasing episodes of extreme weather due to climate change means that power outages are now a recurring event in many people’s lives. Acquiring a portable generator is...

How to Stay Powered during a Blackout (Warm weather)

There’s no off-season for blackouts. In the summer, high winds and overloaded grids result in unintentional outages; fires and floods result in intentional outages. Having an independent power source is a great way to...

Blackouts in 2022: Let’s not repeat 2021

Jan 31st 2022: With snow storms whipping across the eastern coast of the US, blackouts are inbound for thousands of Americans. Read this article so you can prepare. February 2021 was a wake-up call for...

10 Common Causes of Power Outages (and 2 Unusual Ones)

The last few years have seen a notable increase in electrical blackouts across the U.S. These power outages have a knock-on effect that doesn't just leave people without power, but can also affect access...

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