How Long Does a Power Outage Last?

Most power outages last only a few minutes, but some can last for days or even several weeks. While this may seem like a broad time frame, numerous factors can affect how quickly you...

Generator Transfer Switch FAQs: Everything You Need to Know

Extreme weather events like wildfires and hurricanes, the outdated electricity grid, and inaccessibility to sustainable energy...We have seen more and more power outages in recent years and struggled through many troubles they brought to...

Rolling Blackouts: What Are They and How Do We Stay Prepared?

We've increasingly seen the term 'rolling blackouts' over the last few years. They might happen where you live, but do you know why? These short-term outages are purposeful, set in motion by utility companies...

Blackout vs. Brownout: How Can You Prepare for Both?

Blackouts and brownouts are on the rise. There it's crucial to learn the difference and know what to do in a blackout vs brownout. Year on year our dependence on electricity has been on...

What Is Load-Shedding?

Load-shedding is when utility providers purposefully reduce demand on their electrical grids by temporarily powering down certain areas. It allows the utility to prevent overloads and unscheduled long-term blackouts while allowing some areas of...

How to Prepare for a Long-Term Power Outage

Most people rarely think about where their electricity comes from—until it's not there. Long-term power outages remain relatively infrequent. But with aging infrastructure, ever-worsening extreme weather events, and geopolitical instability increasing, long-term blackouts are...

How to Prepare for Summer Power Outages

Blackouts can be incredibly stressful, even if you have been through them many times. Losing power robs us of our daily comforts and essentials, including everything from entertainment to refrigerating perishable foods.  Without following the...

How to Use a Portable Generator During a Power Outage

The combination of an aging electricity grid and increasing episodes of extreme weather due to climate change means that power outages are now a recurring event in many people’s lives. Acquiring a portable generator is...

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