What Is an Inverter Generator?

With extreme weather events constantly on the rise and ageing electrical grid infrastructure increasingly unable to meet demands, more and more people are searching for off-grid power sources to provide home backup and energy...

Do Solar Panels Work at Night?

Many people have misconceptions about how solar panels work. For example, solar energy systems that generate electricity rely on sunlight — not heat.  In fact, solar panels are actually less efficient in extremely high temperatures than...

The Complete Guide to Solar Battery Storage

Human-made climate change has made the transition to clean, renewable sources of energy a global priority. Net UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions by TES sector, 2023 (%)  Recent figures from the Dept. of Energy Security and...

What are the Advantages of Hydroelectric Energy?

Hydroelectric energy is an integral part of renewable power generation. It harnesses the natural flow of water to produce clean, renewable, and emissions-free electricity and offers several benefits.  Learn about the multifaceted advantages of hydroelectric...

Can I Get Compensation for a Power Cut in the UK?

Severe weather, line breaks, and planned upgrades can cause community power outages. Experiencing a power cut can be frustrating and time-consuming, disrupting your daily routine and causing you to wonder how to move forward...

What Is the Photovoltaic Effect?

With the shift towards sustainable energy now a global imperative, terms once reserved for textbooks have infiltrated everyday discussions.  One such term is the "photovoltaic effect."  Photovoltaic is often shortened to PV — as in PV...

What Is a Silicon Wafer for Solar Cells?

Silicon isn’t the only semiconductive material used to make solar cells. But it is the most commonly used by far. Over 90% of solar panels sold today rely on silicon wafer-based cells. Silicon is also used in...

How Do Photovoltaic Cells Work?

Virtually everyone knows what a solar panel does. Far fewer people know how solar panels generate electricity. It’s not magic… But it’s pretty close. Photovoltaic (PV) cells are an essential component of all currently available solar panels and...

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