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How to Reduce Power Bill? Top 10 Tips

Power bills can’t be avoided as they play a big part in every household’s monthly or quarterly expenses. Modern households typically demand more appliances and gadgets than before, leading many to seek ways on how to reduce power bills.

Finding ways to reduce electric bill not only helps cut expenses but also brings additional benefits, such as promoting environmental sustainability and reducing dependence on the grid. In this article, we will explore practical methods to lower electricity costs without compromising comfort at home.

10 Effective Methods to Reduce Power Bill

If you’re wondering why your power bill is expensive, it’s time to stop ignoring it and examine your energy consumption. You can implement strategies by making household adjustments or long-term investments. Here are the 10 effective methods to lessen electric bill:

1. Assess your Power Bill

Start by reviewing your power bill and comparing it to previous ones to spot changes in your energy use. Electricity bills often include different types of charges. Some costs may stay the same each billing cycle, while others depend on how much electricity you use.

You can calculate electricity bill by checking the wattage requirement of your appliances to determine which of them are consuming too much power. For easy tracking, you can use smart meters to know your real-time power consumption.

2. Evaluate Power Providers and Tariffs

More than 200 power generators and retailers trade at the National Electricity Market (NEM), resulting in a competitive market. Evaluate the rates and offers of retailers near your home and choose the provider with the best price and offer.

For tariffs, choose the best type of subscription that suits your usage pattern. The average electricity price can vary based on time, usage, and location. Regularly comparing energy plans to your everyday use of appliances can ensure you’re getting the best option.

3. Adjust your Thermostat Wisely

Depending on your climate and region, thermostats can be responsible for 20% to 50% of energy consumed in Australian households. If you want to lower electricity bill, be mindful of increasing the temperature of your heating and cooling appliances.

Set your thermostat to optimal temperatures to maintain comfort and achieve energy efficiency. Each additional degree in heating and cooling can increase energy consumption by 5% to 10%. The size or efficiency of your heating and cooling appliances can also affect your power usage.

4. Unplug Devices When Not in Use

Turn off electronic devices before leaving your home or when you’re not using them to reduce electricity use. Unplug microwaves, televisions, and phone chargers as they can consume power even when turned off.

If you want to unplug multiple devices at once, you can use power strips but exercise caution in using them. You can also consider using smart power boards to disconnect power automatically to devices in standby mode.

5. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances is another way to minimise electricity bill. Appliances with high energy ratings consume less power. Although the initial investment may be higher, the long-term savings on your power bills can outweigh the upfront costs.

Check the power requirements of your appliances and identify which devices are power-hungry. The consolidated power usage in your household should not exceed the average home energy use.

Otherwise, consider investing in more energy-efficient appliances.

6. Use Portable Power Station

Portable power stations are an alternative home backup generator for appliances, especially during power outages and emergencies. Investing in this device might be expensive but its long-term benefits can exceed its cost and reduce the power bill.

A portable power station, such as the EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 Portable Power Station, can be recharged in 6 ways, including solar panels. This power station can power almost all appliances without drawing electricity from the grid, helping you to reduce power bill.

Ecoflow delta pro 3 portable power station

7. Upgrade Lighting to LEDs

Various state and federal rebate programs in Australia encourage the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, including LED lighting. If you want to reduce your power bill, consider switching to LED lighting over bulbs.

Based on data from Department for Energy and Mining in Australia, lighting constitutes about 7% of the energy used in Australian homes. According to the US Department of Energy, LEDs consume up to 75% less energy than traditional bulbs. Moreover, traditional bulbs release energy as heat while LEDs stay cool and provide stable brightness.

8. Know When to Open Doors and Curtains

Knowing when to open and close your doors and curtains is crucial for temperature control and an effective way to reduce your power bill. In winter, closing your doors and windows can prevent the outdoor cold from entering your home so you don’t need to increase your heating device.

In summer, open your curtains during the day to allow sunlight to naturally provide ventilation and natural light without using the air conditioner all the time. Ensure also that furniture doesn’t block the light from your windows.

9. Invest in Solar Panel

Solar energy is one of the best ways to generate electricity at home. It is an effective method to reduce electricity bill because you don’t need to rely on the grid. Solar panels, like an EcoFlow solar panel, are connected to solar batteries or used to charge portable power stations.

Investing in solar panels is typically costly. However, the Australian government offers solar power tax incentives and rebates to encourage people to use clean energy. You can also receive payment from the government through a solar feed-in tariff if you transfer your excess electricity from your solar panels back to the grid.

Ecoflow nextgen solar panel

10. Insulate your Home

Proper insulation is another effective way to reduce electric bill. Your cooling or heating appliances will work harder if the coolness or warmth escapes through the open corners of your home, forcing you to increase or lower the temperature.

Whether you live in a cold or hot climate, good insulation helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature while being energy-efficient. Insulating walls, roofs, and floors can prevent heat loss in winter and keep your home cooler in summer, leading to lower energy consumption.


By adopting energy-efficient technologies and adjusting daily habits, you can reduce electric bill while maintaining comfort at home. Implementing these methods not only leads to significant savings but also decreases reliance on the grid and supports environmental sustainability. Choose the strategies that best fit your energy needs and start lowering your electricity costs today.


What runs your electric bill up the most?

Major contributors to high electricity bills include heating and cooling systems, water heaters, and large appliances like refrigerators and washing machines. Being mindful of these energy-intensive devices can help you manage and reduce your overall consumption

Does unplugging devices really lower my electricity bill?

Yes, unplugging devices when they’re not in use can lower your electricity bill. Many electronics consume power even when they are turned off. Disconnecting these devices prevents unnecessary energy usage.

How can I check if my home is energy efficient?

To assess your home’s energy efficiency, examine your power bill and identify appliances that consume more electricity. If your power bills are expensive, there must be something wrong with your home’s energy efficiency. If you think you’re not energy efficient, consider implementing the strategies mentioned above.

EcoFlow is a portable power and renewable energy solutions company. Since its founding in 2017, EcoFlow has provided peace-of-mind power to customers in over 85 markets through its DELTA and RIVER product lines of portable power stations and eco-friendly accessories.
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